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  • HOOFDPIJN | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    HEADACHE/MIGRAINE Headache is a common complaint, but the cause is often (partially) unclear. There can also be different types of headaches together. One of the possible causes is too much tension in one or a combination of the muscles in the forehead, between the eyebrows, the temples or the neck. If you suffer from tension headaches, it usually feels like there is a tight band around the head. Botox works best against this type of headache. With migraine 70% of patients also experience relief from their complaints. We remove the unnecessary high tension by relaxing these muscles with botox, this can reduce the headache of let it completely disappear . TREATMENT : BOTOX FROWN | FOREHEAD | TEMPLES | NECK DURATION OF TREATMENT: 5 -10 MINUTES PAIN: MODERATE VISIBLE: AFTER 7-14 DAYS RECOVERY TIME: NONE RESULT: HEADACHE REDUCES/DISAPPEARS DURATION EFFECT: 3-5 MONTHS PRICE: FROM €175,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SUN/SAUNA/SPORT TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. Botox is injected into the muscle with an ultra-thin needle. Small red bumps may be visible in the places where the needle has been punctured, these will disappear within an hour. Sometimes there is a small bruise or some increase in headache, this usually disappears within a few days. After 60 minutes you can safely use camouflage, arnica ointment or paracetamol if necessary. After 4-5 days you will notice that it starts to take effect, after 14 days it works completely. For optimal results, it is best to avoid heat (sun/sauna) for 24 hours, do not exercise and do not massage the treated area. Once the symptoms return, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT Botox for headaches reduces the excessive tension on the designated muscles for 3-5 months. Normalizes muscle tension Reduction or disappearance of headache and/or trigger More relaxed overall feeling

  • KRAAIENPOTEN | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    CROW'S FEET By squeezing the eyes or laughing widely, folds in the skin next to the eyes are drawn, these are also called crow's feet. Over the years, these folds can also remain visible without you making that movement; these are wrinkles. The best treatment is to remove the cause of the wrinkle, namely the movement. We do this by relaxing the muscles with botox. Beware if you are prone to moisture retention under the eyes, this treatment may not be suitable for you. TREATMENT : BOTOX CROW'S FEET DURATION OF TREATMENT: 5 -10 MINUTES PAIN: MINIMUM VISIBLE: AFTER 4-5 DAYS RECOVERY TIME: NONE RESULT: WRINKLES DISAPPEAR/SOFTEN DURATION EFFECT: 3-5 MONTHS PRICE: €175,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SUN/SAUNA/SPORT TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. Botox is injected into the muscle with an ultra-thin needle. Small red bumps may be visible in the places where the injection has been made, these will disappear within an hour. Sometimes a small bruise or some headache occurs, this usually disappears within a few days. After 60 minutes you can safely use camouflage, arnica ointment or paracetamol if necessary. After 4-5 days you will see that it starts to take effect, after 14 days it works completely. For optimal results, it is best to avoid heat (sun/sauna) for 24 hours, do not exercise and do not massage the treated area. Once the movement returns, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT Botox ensures that the targeted muscles remain relaxed for 3-5 months. Of course you can still laugh, but without the crow's feet Folds due to movement (dynamic lines) can no longer arise The skin gets time to recover Wrinkles at rest (static lines) soften or disappear over months

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  • VISCODERM HYDROBOOSTER | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    CHEEKS Viscoderm hydrobooster is een bijzonder product. Het bestaat uit hyaluronzuur en is als enige perfect geschikt voor bewegingslijnen zoals kraaienpootjes en voorhoofdrimpels. Het kan de huid verbeteren en stretchen te gelijk, zonder de beweging onnatuurlijk te beïnvloeden. Stoort je je aan je kraaienpootjes maar wil je liever geen botox? Dan is viscoderm hydrobooster de behandeling voor jou! In combinatie met botox werkt het overigens ook heel fraai. De behandeling bestaat meestal uit een enkele behandeling van 1.1ml of twee behandelingen met 4-6 weken ertussen. BEHANDELING : VISCODERM HYDROBOOSTER DUUR BEHANDELING: 1 OF 2 KEER 45 MIN PIJN: GEMIDDELD ZICHTBAAR: DIRECT HERSTELTIJD: 1-14 DAGEN (BIJ BLAUWE PLEK) RESULTAAT: VERZACHTEN BEWEGINGSRIMPELS DUUR: 6-12 MAANDEN PRIJS: VANAF €450,- (1x1.1ml) VRIJBLIJVEND CONSULT: GRATIS NAZORG: 1 DAG NIET SPORTEN 1-2 WEKEN GEEN ZON/SAUNA/ANDERE GEZICHTSBEHANDELINGEN ONDERGAAN. GEMIDDELD NODIG: 1-2 BEHANDELINGEN TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. With a cannula, the filler is evenly distributed over the cheeks. Some redness may be visible after the treatment, which usually disappears within an hour. Sometimes a bruise occurs, it usually disappears in 4-10 days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other beauty treatments for 2 weeks. As soon as you notice that the cheeks are sinking in again, the treatment can be repeated. You often need less product than the first time. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place in the cheeks for an average of 6-12 months. Reduce wrinkles Softer shape, associated with youthfulness Healthier, younger and more cheerful appearance

  • PROFHILO | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren

    CHEEKS Profhilo is 100% puur hyaluronzuur en zorgt voor een verbetering van de huidstructuur. Het stimuleert je eigen collageen en elastine aanmaak en gaat op die manier huidverslapping tegen. Door het hyaluronzuur wordt de huid daarnaast ook goed gehydrateerd waardoor je huid er gezonde en stralend uitziet. Dit type hyaluronzuur geeft geen volume en is dus geen filler! Ideaal als je wel goed voor je huid wil zorgen, maar (nog) geen verandering wil in de vorm van je gezicht. Profhilo kan voor het gelaat worden gebruikt maar werkt ook uitstekend voor andere plaatsen met huidverslapping zoals de hals, decolleté, buik en ledematen. Voor behandelingen op het lichaam is de Profhilo Body kit ontwikkeld; hier zit meer hyaluronzuur, een verzorgende patch en body creme in, zodat je het resultaat thuis verder kan optimaliseren. De behandeling bestaat meestal uit een kuur van 2 of 3 behandelingen, afhankelijk van het te behandelen gebied en de mate van huidverslapping . BEHANDELING : PROFHILO DUUR BEHANDELING: 1 TOT 3 KEER 15 MIN PIJN: MATIG ZICHTBAAR: OPTIMALE RESULTAAT NA 3 MND HERSTELTIJD: 0-3 DAGEN (BIJ BLAUWE PLEK) RESULTAAT: VERBETEREN/VERSTEVIGEN HUID DUUR: 6-12 MAANDEN PRIJS: VANAF €625,- (KUUR 2 BEHANDELINGEN) VRIJBLIJVEND CONSULT: GRATIS NAZORG: 1 DAG NIET SPORTEN, GEEN ZON/SAUNA/ANDERE GEZICHTSBEHANDELINGEN ONDERGAAN. GEMIDDELD NODIG: 2 BEHANDELINGEN TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. With a cannula, the filler is evenly distributed over the cheeks. Some redness may be visible after the treatment, which usually disappears within an hour. Sometimes a bruise occurs, it usually disappears in 4-10 days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other beauty treatments for 2 weeks. As soon as you notice that the cheeks are sinking in again, the treatment can be repeated. You often need less product than the first time. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place in the cheeks for an average of 6-12 months. Reduce wrinkles Softer shape, associated with youthfulness Healthier, younger and more cheerful appearance

  • SLAPEN | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    TEMPLES As we become older, our fatty tissue and bone mass decreases, which can create depth at the temples. This is usually not a problem that someone comes up with themselves, but that the cosmetic doctor can notice. Sunken/hollow temples are not only associated with old age, the support of the eyebrow position also diminishes, allowing them to sag a bit. Filling in the depth can be done by means of a filler. TREATMENT : FILLER TEMPLES DURATION OF TREATMENT: 10 MINUTES PAIN: MINIMAL VISIBLE: DIRECTLY RECOVERY TIME: 0-14 DAYS (WHEN BRUISED) RESULT: RESTORE/SMOOTH OUT FORM DURATION: 6 - 12 MONTHS PRICE: FROM €400,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SPORT + 2 WEEKS NO SUN/SAUNA AVERAGE NEEDED: 1 - 4 ML TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. The filler is put in place with an injection or by cannula. After the treatment, some redness may be visible, this will disappear within an hour. Swelling, bruising or tightness when the jaw clenches can also occur, this usually disappears within a few days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other beauty treatments for 2 weeks. Once the depth returns, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT A filler gives volume (for recovery or accentuation) and stays in place for an average of 6-12 months. Better contour Soft transition from forehead to cheekbone; associated with youthfulness Subtle lift of lateral eyebrows More rested and cheerful appearance

  • HALS STRENGEN BOTOX | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    NECK BANDS Tensing the neck muscle (e.g. exaggeratedly saying iiii) can make platysma bands visible. With overactivity of the muscle, those bands can also be visible at rest or during speech. Sometimes this contributes to the formation of jowls in the jawline. That is why this treatment is also called Nefertiti lift, after the tight jawline of the Egyptian queen. By relaxing the muscle with Botox, unnecessary tension will decrease. In case of skin slackening, a filler or Profhilo (skin improvement) can also be considered for maximum results. TREATMENT : BOTOX NECK DURATION OF TREATMENT: 5 - 10 MINUTES PAIN: MINIMUM VISIBLE: AFTER 4-5 DAYS RECOVERY TIME: NONE RESULT: REDUCTION STRENGTHS DURATION EFFECT: 3-5 MONTHS PRICE: €175,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SUN/SAUNA/SPORT TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. Botox is injected into the muscle with an ultra-thin needle. Small red bumps may be visible in the places where the needle has been punctured, these will disappear within an hour. Sometimes a small bruise occurs, this usually disappears within a few days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 60 minutes if necessary. After 4-5 days you will see that it starts to take effect, after 14 days it works completely. For optimal results, it is best to avoid heat (sun/sauna) for 24 hours, do not exercise and do not massage the treated area. Once the bands come back, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT Botox causes the neck muscle to relax for 3-5 months. Reducing or disappearing platysma bands The jawline can subtly tighten

  • LIPPEN FILLER | Clinic Dokter Charlotte

    LIPS The lips are a defining part of the face in which volume, proportion and symmetry play an important role. If you are not blessed with full lips of your own or if the volume has decreased with age, fillers can offer a solution. But accentuating or refreshing is of course also possible. Well formed, full lips are associated with beauty and youthfulness. The definition of beautiful and full can be different for everyone. That is why we discuss your exact wishes in detail in advance and decide which technique and product best suit them. TREATMENT : FILLER LIPS DURATION OF TREATMENT: 15 MINUTES PAIN: MEDIUM (NUMBING CREAM) VISIBLE: DIRECTLY RECOVERY TIME: 0-14 DAYS (WHEN BRUISED) RESULT: IMPROVE VOLUME AND FORM + SOFTENING LINES DURATION: 6 - 12 MONTHS PRICE: FROM €300,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SPORT + 2 WEEKS NO SUN/SAUNA AVERAGE NEEDED: 0.5 - 2 ML TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. A maximum of 1ml is used per treatment, so your ideal volume may require multiple treatments with at least 2-4 weeks in between. After the area has been covered with anesthetic cream, the filler is inserted into the lips with an ultra-thin needle. After the treatment, some redness is visible, this disappears within an hour. Swelling and bruising occurs very regularly, this usually disappears in 4-14 days. Dry lips also occur. After 4 hours you can safely use Vaseline, balm, camouflage, lipstick or arnica ointment if necessary. You will receive a sterile bag of Vaseline for the first day that you can apply immediately. The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other laser/beauty treatments for 2 weeks. As soon as you notice that the volume is decreasing again, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place in the lips for an average of 4-8 months. Fuller lips Improved upper/lower lip ratio Improvement of any asymmetry Lines in and around the lips disappear / soften Younger appearance

  • KAAKVERSMALLING | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    JAW SLIMMING The chewing muscle in the jaw (masseter) is often referred to as the strongest muscle in the body. In some people this muscle is more 'trained' than in others and can therefore be bigger and thicker, just like 'big guns' in the arm. This can be case with grinding/clenching , but also without cause. This gives a wide, angular and sometimes even square jawline. Although this is a beauty ideal for men, it can be something to be bothered by for women. By relaxing the muscle with botox, the unnecessary tension will decrease, so that the muscle gets more rest and therefore shrinks. Of course you can still eat without any problems! TREATMENT : BOTOX MASSETER MUSCLES DURATION OF TREATMENT: 5 -10 MINUTES PAIN: MINIMAL VISIBLE: AFTER 4-5 DAYS RECOVERY TIME: NONE RESULT: JAW SLIMS DOWN/SOFTENS DURATION EFFECT: 3-5 MONTHS PRICE: FROM €300,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SUN/SAUNA/SPORT TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. Botox is injected into the muscle with an ultra-thin needle. Small red bumps may be visible in the places where the injection has been made, these will disappear within an hour. Sometimes a small bruise or headache develops, this usually disappears within a few days. After 60 minutes you can safely use camouflage, arnica ointment or paracetamol if necessary. After 4-5 days you will see that it starts to take effect, after 14 days it works completely. For optimal results, it is best to avoid heat (sun/sauna) for 24 hours, do not exercise and do not massage the treated area. As soon as you feel the strength increase again, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT Botox ensures that the chewing muscles contract less strongly for 3-5 months. The size of the muscles decreases Softens the jawline, creating a V-shape The face is getting slimmer May reduce possible headaches

  • MONDHOEKEN FILLER | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    MOUTH CORNERS Turning the corners of your mouth down can give you a dissatisfied or gloomy expression, while (hopefully) you don't feel that way at all! This can be congenital but also come with age due to a reduction in firmness and elasticity in the skin. In the latter case you can sometimes see that lines have developed from the corners of the mouth down to the jawline, we call these marionette lines . The position of the corners of the mouth can be adjusted by means of a filler. TREATMENT : FILLER MOUTH CORNERS DURATION OF TREATMENT: 10 MINUTES PAIN: MODERATE VISIBLE: DIRECTLY RECOVERY TIME: 0-14 DAYS (WHEN BRUISED) RESULT: NEUTRAL POSITION MOUTH CORNERS DURATION: 6 - 12 MONTHS PRICE: FROM €400,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SPORT + 2 WEEKS NO SUN/SAUNA AVERAGE NEEDED: 1 - 2 ML TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. The filler is placed in place with a thin needle or cannula. Some redness may be visible after the treatment, which usually disappears within an hour. The chance of bruising is somewhat greater in this place and swelling can also occur, this takes a maximum of two weeks. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other beauty treatments for 2 weeks. As soon as you notice that the corners of the mouth are starting to drop again, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place at the corners of the mouth for an average of 6-12 months. The corners of the mouth are lifted to a neutral position Lines disappear or soften The expression is fresh and more cheerful

  • NEUSLIPPENPLOOI | Clinic Dokter Charlotte Laren 't Gooi

    NASOLABIAL FOLDS The nasolabial fold is the line from the nostrils to the corners of the mouth, here the cheek merges into the skin-colored upper lip. When you smile, the corners of the mouth rise and the cheeks bulge, forming the line; a natural fold that everyone has, including babies! As we age, our bone mass and fat pockets in the cheekbones and cheeks decrease, allowing the skin to sag forward and down. The crease deepens and can give an aged, tired and even sometimes dissatisfied appearance, while (hopefully) you don't feel that way at all! The cause of a deepening nasolabial fold is usually loss of volume around the cheekbone and cheeks. We prefer to treat the cause instead of the fold itself, because you need that fold to be able to freely smile. TREATMENT : FILLER NASOLABIAL FOLDS DURATION OF TREATMENT: 10 MINUTES PAIN: MODERATE VISIBLE: DIRECTLY RECOVERY TIME: 0-14 DAYS (AT BLUE PLACE) RESULT: SOFTENING OF THE FOLD DURATION: 6 - 12 MONTHS PRICE: FROM €400,- CONSULTATION: FREE AFTER CARE: 24 HOURS NO SPORT + 2 WEEKS NO SUN/SAUNA AVERAGE NEEDED: 1 - 2 ML TREATMENT During the consultation we discuss your wishes and everything is explained. The filler is placed in place with a thin needle or cannula. Some redness may be visible after the treatment, which usually disappears within an hour. Very occasionally a bruise occurs, it usually disappears in a few days. You can safely use camouflage or arnica ointment after 24 hours if necessary. The nice thing about fillers; you see immediate results! It does take some time to settle down, after 6-8 weeks the result is on its best. For optimal results, it is best not to exercise for 24 hours and avoid heat (sun/sauna) and other beauty treatments for 2 weeks. As soon as you notice that the fold is getting deeper, the treatment can be repeated. EFFECT A filler gives volume and stays in place in the nasal lip fold for an average of 6-12 months. The fold is softened Lines disappear or soften The face looks fresher and more cheerful

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